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Building The Foundation

The initial session begins with an introduction to the challenge and big picture overview. You’ll gain insights into why this program has been highly successful for newer agencies looking to build their first $5k/mo revenue stream. After that you’ll begin laying the groundwork with the simple systems you need to have in place to accept payment.

Filling The Funnel

Whether you prefer to meet in person or work remotely behind a keyboard from anywhere in the world, this session has you covered. In person, you’ll learn the 30 second close and the four simple words that can close a deal instantly, while those who prefer the digital methods can use the provided scripts and files to get the “Yes!”

Onboarding And Beyond

Your first sale isn’t the destination, it's just the first milestone in the beginning of your path to $5k/month. We’ll teach you how to get your new client a quick win and introduce the Sell - Snap - Share strategy for easy referral marketing. Finally we close out the challenge with client retention strategies and an ascension ladder. Rounding out the course with a complete roadmap to success.

Want The Full Yes! Method?

I've put together a summary page of the entire program here for you
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